Saying the Pledge of Alliegience before the starting bell.

Our beautifully restored School House on a beautiful spring day in 2009.
Hi there and welcome everyone!! As you can see we are keeping extremely busy at the Historical Association of Princeville or HAP!! Earlier this April we hosted the annual 5K School House Run/Walk and our first annual Spring Festival. Many came out to run and walk the 5K and had a great time. We had runners and walkers of all ages (young, younger, and youngest ;) and everyone finished well!
The HAP also put out a beautiful spread of fruits, cookies, water, and coffee for the runners and other guests attending. It was a bit breezy but we had been waiting on the sunshine for so long that we didn't mind the cool breeze.
The run/walk event started at 9 a.m. with the Spring Festival activities beginning around 10 a.m. The Easter Bunny and Ricky Racoon also made an appearance and had fun with all of our guests. Kathy Messersmith (our President) was kind enough to provide face painting for anyone who wanted it, there were Easter Egg pages to color and glitter, flowers to plant, an Easter Egg hunt, and finally Easter book story time. Rosie Siebenthal read some cute books about Easter and Spring to a very well behaved audience. The stories were enjoyed by all!
Many of you may have noticed Rosie Siebenthal with her camera taking (lots!) of pictures of the various events. There are two groups of images (those with adults and those with kids) and they are located in separate galleries on Rosie's business shopping cart. You may access the images to view and purchase at special HAP pricing with proceeds going to the HAP.
To view and order the Adult 5K images simply go to:
*Create an account using your email address and a *new* password just for this site.
*Login with your new information.
*Click on ACCESS GALLERY and enter this passcode: springhap09 (case sensitive)
For the kid's pictures please contact Kelly at the PHM for password information and viewing/ordering clearance.
Happy Spring everyone - please remember to stay safe (especially on the roads as the farm vehicles come back out again) and have a great day!!!
1. HAP Spring Cleaning - Saturday, April 25, 2009 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Please come out and support the Historical Association of Princeville for...free!! Well, for your time and energy ;) We are looking for volunteers to come along side us and support the HAP in the way of time and service. There is work to be done with the landscape outdoors and cleaning and other jobs to be done indoors. If you are a high school student or know someone in high school this would be a great way to earn some community service hours!! Please pass the word!
2. Townwide Garage Sale at the HAP - Saturday May 16, 2009.
Bring items to donate to the museum for the sale OR rent your own table and sell your own wares. Tables are $25 for the first table and $10 for each additional table. Kelly has arranged for charity pickup after the event for items you wish to leave etc. Beverages, hotdogs, and desserts will be for sale also. Make sure you stop and see us if you are out on the town looking for deals!!
3. Heritage Days Open House - Will host an open house on the Saturday afternoon 1-3 p.m. of Heritage Days weekend. Come out and visit us!!
4. Heritage Harvest - Saturday, July 25, 2009 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Our biggest event yet (and we've had some doozies!! ;) The Heritage Harvest will feature our unique and live "Threshing Days" for all to see. Many other neat things are planned for this day - stay tuned as we announce the events in the near future!!
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